Webinar: Playing Leap Frog with the Bad Guys

Playing Leap Frog with the Bad Guys: A holistic blueprint to keep you one hop ahead

On-Demand Webinar

Blue outline of a man inside a magnifying glass

Fraud is easier to catch before it starts. But as the customer journey continuously shifts to include more digital experiences, it has become increasingly difficult to confidently assess risk and confirm identity at the opening of a new account. And, once fraud has been committed at new account opening, the downstream fraud events become increasingly difficult to prevent and detect.

Watch on-demand, the American Banker-hosted webinar, as industry thought leaders from Early Warning and Aite-Novarica Group discuss:

  • The very real problem of application fraud – synthetic, identity and account take over (ATO) - related to financial accounts
  • Why is it important to address today’s fraud challenges with an end-to-end approach
  • Best practices to how to balance security and your customer’s experience
Video file

Download the presentation slides from the webinar